Fraser Gray
Muirhouse Gala Mural
The mural, which is on West Pilton Crescent, celebrates the gala and festivals of North Edinburgh, specifically the Muirhouse Gala. It depicts a stage set of Pennywell Road and features scenic flats of the Gunner and old Muirhouse shops, with a hung sky backdrop. Central to the design is a flatbed transit van being used as a gala float. It’s a similar, but contemporary, version of the vehicles that were used in the parades of the past. The van is stopped but poised, with its door open, ready to get going again. It is adorned with a mix of decorations from past gala days (taken from the amazing archive of photos and videos) alongside graphic versions of the reliefs which will form the Relief Trail, all linking to the history of the area. I chose to depict a stage set as a way of referencing the past from the perspective of the present day. It is also a nod to the work of groups such as the Muirhouse Festival Association, who helped organise the gala. It’s set on Pennywell Road not only because the parade would march down the street but also because it is the view you would see if you were looking through the wall.
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